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八年级英语下册Unit 1《What's the matter?》(Section A 3a-3c)

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Unit 1《What's the matter?》(Section A2)
New words and expressions
passenger          n. 乘客;旅客
off                adv.&prep.离开(某处);不作;从……去掉
get off            下车
to one's surprise  使……惊讶;出乎……意料
onto               prep.向;朝
trouble            n. 问题;苦恼
hit                v. (用手或器具)击;打
right away         立即;马上
get into           陷入;参与
herself            pron.她自己
A:What's the matter?
B:I/He/She …
You/He/She should …
What's the matter?
I have a (sore back).
You should (see a doctor).
You shouldn't (exercise).
What's the matter?
I have a (fever).
You should (drink lots of water and go to bed).
You shouldn't (go out and exercise).
What's the matter?
I have a (sore throat).
You should (drink some hot tea with honey),or(go to see a doctor).
You shouldn't (eat dry food such as cookies)or(speal too loudly).
What's the matter?
3a Listen to the passage.Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book?How do you know?
Newspaper.It is reporting something that happened very recently(i.e yesterday),and the whole story is very short.
Read the passage and check"Rrue or False"
1.The passenger saw an old man lying on the side of the road.(F)
2.The old man had a heart problem.(T)
3.Some passengers didn't help Mr.Wang to move the man on the bus.(F)
4.At last,the doctors saved the man in time.(T)
5.One passenger says,"people ofen don't want to get into trouble."(T)
3b Read the passage again and check(√)the things that happened in the story.
1.(√)Wang Ping was the driver of bus No.26 at 9:00 a.m.yesterday.
2.(  )Bus No.26 hit and old man on Zhonghua Road.
3.(√)The old man had a heart problem and needed to go to the hospital right away.
4.(  )The passengers on the bus did not want to go to the hospital,so only Wang Ping went with the woman and old man.
5.(√)Some passengers helped to get the old man onto the bus.
6.(√)The old man got to the hospital in time.
Bus drivers and passengers save an old man
At 9:00 am yesterday,bus No.26 was going along Zhanghuan Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.A woman next to him was shouting for help.
1.…Bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.
其形式为was/were +V-ing.常与表示过去的时间状语连用。如:last night,last Saturday等;或与when,while,as 引导的过去时间状语连用。
They were shopping in the mall that afternoon when a big fire broke out.
I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.
3)see somebody doing something
固定结构,表示“看到某人正在从事某事或所处的状态”。类似的结构还有:hear/watch somebody doing…
see somebody do something“看见某人做了某事”,是指看见事情发生的全过程。
I saw him work in the garden yesterday.
I saw him working in the garden yesterday.
The bus driver,24-year-old Wang Ping.Stopped the bus without thinking twice.He got off and asked the woman what happened.She said that the man bad a heart problem and should go to the hospital.Mr.Wang knew he had to act quickly.He told the passengers that the must take the man to the hospital.He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus.But to his surprise,they all agreed to go with him.Some passengers helped Mr.Wang to move the man onto the bus.
2.The bus driver …stopped the bus without thinking twice.
think twice 是英语中一种固定的表述,表示在做某事之前“认真思考;权衡利弊”。
Please think twice about leaving your jon.





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[山东省济宁市] 确实不错,老师讲的很有趣,也有一些记忆方法


2019-01-20 10:27:56

[浙江省宁波市] good!


2018-02-06 10:42:47

[湖南省] 皮皮虾,我们回家。去看同桌100学习网去。


2017-02-15 23:33:39

[山东省青岛市] 讲的真的很详细 而且听不懂的地方 随时都能看 赞赞!


2017-02-09 11:31:03

[贵州省] 好好好老师讲的挺好的 很亲切very good23333


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[湖南省常德市] very good


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[湖南省常德市] 很亲切


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[江西省] 老师讲的挺好的。


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